"A £250,000 exercise is being launched to find an outside organisation to run Croydon's libraries.
The cost of going through the tendering exercise was attacked at Monday's meeting by Councillor Maggie Mansell, Labour's shadow cabinet member for culture and sport.
She asked: "Is it worth spending £250,000 when savings could be made in-house without that cost?"
"In the run up to Monday's meeting, eight organisations had expressed serious interest in taking on the contract.
They comprised four local government bodies – Bexley and Bromley Council Consortium, Essex County Council, Merton Council and Vision Redbridge plus three private companies – Civica, John Laing Integrated Services and American firm LSSI.
The eighth potential bidder was Greenwich Leisure Ltd, a non-profit co-operative which runs leisure services in 11 London boroughs."
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