Monday 17 December 2012

Judicial Review - Save Croydon Libraries - 17/12/12

A message from Save Croydon Libraries;

It seems clear that the intention is that Laing (JLLS) were to be awarded the contract for Croydon Libraries. This is likely to take some time as scrutiny applied extra conditions to the contract which will need to be negotiated with Laing and there may be other delays to come, should any of the bidders wish to challenge the process. Residents have been advised that the decision needs to go back to the full council in any case, which won't be until January now.
The fight is not over and we may now need to go to judicial review. We cannot do this until the final announcement is made but this does not stop us considering all options before this time. We would not proceed unless we had a very good case but from all the campaign knows we have a case on several key points.  We need a group of residents to take this forward to explore further.

Support for a judicial review has already been indicated by Croydon Labour and now UKIP. The fact that so many Conservative Councillors called in the decision indicates unrest within the party pushing the outsourcing through.

Please get in touch if you can help.  We need people to stand up to be counted or we will lose the library service we so value. It is clearly not to late to rebuild what we have lost but we must not let it deteriorate any further. Check out what Laing have done to Hounslow Libraries if you are in any doubt.  

What we know, if this contract goes ahead, is that the terms and conditions of our remaining staff will be maintained, as they have no alternative under TUPE, but there is no commitment to keep the many staff we understand are on short term contract, so new staff can be taken on with lesser qualifications, pay and conditions.

The terms of the contract are to maintain the existing service - a service that has been run into the ground since before the consultation began, with huge loss of staff, greatly depleted book stock, and lack of service in our libraries as staff are often ill-equipped and untrained.  The strain this has placed on our original staff, and on those new trying to fulfil the role, must be immense.

Many residents are still unaware of the plans. Thanks to all who have sent a constant stream of information to the Campaign in the form of observations, comments and photos.

We need to mobilise.  Please get in touch! 



Save Croydon Libraries Campaign

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