Monday 29 July 2013

The dirty deed is done; JLIS sign Croydon contract!

Thanks to Save Croydon Libraries for alerting me to the following press release that appeared on the Croydon Council website today;

Eight-year contract signed for Croydon's libraries

The future of the borough's libraries is assured with the signing of an eight-year contract by Croydon Council and John Laing Integrated Services (JLIS).
The new arrangements start on 1 October, when JLIS will take over the running of the service. It represents good value for taxpayers as it will save the authority significant amounts of money at the same time as ensuring all of the council's 13 libraries remain open and face no reductions in opening hours.
The contract will see the service undergo a major modernisation programme, involving the introduction of new technology for the benefit of both staff and customers. This will include self-service, wi-fi and the very latest innovations in online resources and e-books.
JLIS will work closely with local communities to improve the way library services are delivered. There will also be new local business opportunities and good prospects for employment, volunteering and apprenticeships.
Councillor Tim Pollard, cabinet member for children, families and learning, said: "Signing this contract means that Croydon's libraries are now safe for the foreseeable future. At a time when all council services are coming under financial scrutiny, it's great to have negotiated an arrangement that not only keeps all our branches open, but will also see modernisation through the investment that is now planned."
Tim Grier, JLIS managing director, said: "I'm delighted that JLIS has secured its second London library contract. This is a fantastic milestone in developing our presence in the library services market and brings the number of library sites managed by JLIS to 24. We look forward to working with the council and local organisations to provide an excellent library service for the benefit of the Croydon community."

I'm a bit puzzled at why their MD, Tim Grier, believes that this is only their 2nd London contract, they now have Hounslow, Ealing/Harrow and Croydon!

For a taste of what might be in store for Croydon's library service see;

and for more on this story see;


  1. Alan, big news in Harrow just emerged. John Laing announced that it is cutting the Harrow Libraries Staff by nearly 50% when they resume the contract. Unison members disgusted with the lack of transparency from senior Harrow Library management. Many feel like taking strike action. A frustrated Harrow library worker

  2. This is shocking news 'frustrated harrow library worker', how do they plan to run a 'comprehensive & efficient' service with only half the staff? I assume they will be bringing in volunteers and self service? We need to expose the Labour Group for backing this, it's an absolute disgrace.
    If you do ballot for and take strike action over this then I hope that every library worker in the country supports your cause, we need to show solidarity as today it's you and tomorrow it could be any of us!
    Good luck and if there's anything I can do let me know :-)

  3. Alan check out iharrow website for Harrow unison press release re the terrible situation in Harrow
